Breaking it Down


You have to beak down one huge project into one hundred little ones. Sometimes there are just too many things to deal with. So, you look at them individually. Navigator Google GPS finally figures out how to get me there because I'll never know my way around this town (that is the intellectual hub of the country but was mapped out by cows...??) and I finally get there to find out that I let my payment slip at home, that it's cash only and there's no ATM around there and it's freezing outside, I just got out of Yoga and I haven't eaten and I'm starting to get a little frazzled. 

Get in the car a drive home. Start heating up some food on the stove and left the burner on too hot, took me 10 minutes to pay online and by the time I get back to the kitchen, the stove is nearly on fire. Bummed...

When I look at the documentary, I see one HUGE project that is a mosaic of moving parts and times and circumstances, schedules and whatever else you can think of.. sometimes people are cranky and get into quite a mood. There was some issue with the original recording of the sound and I was pressed for time so I had to bag it. Use the Camera mics. Shitty things. Got the ideas down but not all went to plan. The refrigerator was humming, the lighting was hard, the sound was hard, the other employees are wondering what the hell is going on while they're trying to earn their crust by pushing their brooms and clean the bathrooms and restock the bar. Poor Smilo. He's such a sweetie. 

To shoot and reshoot is par for the course, not that I GIVE A TOSS about Golf (and neither should you) so I'm not surprised that I have to go in there again. The thing is, is that I can't look at it as this huge thing! I have to look at it as a series of little things that get evened out and dealt with by working at them slowly. That's part of being a Capricorn. We sit and focus on that one thing and concentrate on it and take our time with it, work it out slowly, be patient with it, be quiet with it and listen to it, don't make any noise around it and eventually you begin to see it for what it really is. Something that is worth your time and investment or something to throw snowballs at that are caked with dog piss, not that there is any snow out there anyway. 

One interview at a time, one scene at a time, one sequence at a time one band at a time. I'm betting my life win this film and it's going to be great. This could go viral and really make a splash but I need to keep focussing on THE NOW. Little bites.  I haven't done anything yet today for the documentary but I have been paying the bills and getting my desk cleared up for tax season. 

Thank you Rick Berlin for my JPMF Hoodie! It's so damn comfortable and it feels so good to be officially part of the tribe as accepted by the elders. People actually KNOW what Ransom Note Productions is now! I was at the Nickel and Dime Band show and people were commenting to me about the quality of the videos they were seeing for the Bar Wars and the Festival. I think for the first time in my adult life, I feel like I am truly home and in a community that I can fully invest myself in with these fine people, doing what we do. One thing at a time, please.

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