Buzz in the Pots

Welcome one and all from hither and yon to the infamous Jamaica Plain "John Casey Bar Wars' - 2019.
This year marks the 6th anniversary of the fundraiser for the Jamaica Plain Music Festival, held at the fabled local music venue, The Midway Cafe.
11 Resteurants and Bars were listed to perform this year, representing the bulk of our robust, local talent and hardworking men and women of the food and beverage industry that fortify this community. Hosted by none other than our guided spiritual inter-gay-lactic, time traveling, super star, Vice V’Ersatile, the stage welcomed back some of our veteran performers like Tres Gatos, Bella Luna and Doyles but also saw the debut performance of 'The Joint' Burgers and many musicians never before to have graced the Midway’s stage - or ANY stage for that matter - to show off for their annual, 15 minutes of stardom. 
So, whether you were there or not, sit back and enjoy what I hope will bring you the sites, the sounds and the splendor of one of the more memorable nights of the year in Jamaica Plain. Let’s ROCK!


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